04 November 2009

It's a sad day.

Voters in Maine did yesterday what voters in California did last November. To me, a practising heterosexual, I am more opposed to the restriction of people's rights through the legislative process; and as a child of the 60s and a witness to the slow progress of civil rights for non-whites through the courts and the even slower progress through people's minds, the very act of diminishing the rights of tax-paying, law-abiding citizens seems quite deplorable to me. As my wise beyond his years son said, "It's not like they're forcing anyone to marry a same-gendered person."

The very act of restricting the rights of one particular segment of our society seems to be a death knell of the spirit of American democracy and of our declared freedom from oppression. And if we allow the tide to go against this segment of society how long do you think it will take before they try to take away the rights from a segment you actually care about?


1 comment:

Adair said...

" . . .how long do you think it will take before they try to take away the rights from a segment you actually care about?"

Happened on your blog quite by accident. Thanks for the update on Maine. Your last line saddened me. It still implies making me/us an 'other' and suggesting people don't care about lesbians and gays. That may well be the place to begin in the breaking down of the wall of exclusivity; a fitting thought this day, 20 years after the demise of the Berlin Wall.