24 August 2005

Today Lew is going in for his MRI. Lew is my husband and best friend. We learned of his need for an MRI over a month ago when he went to Kaiser to discuss what he thought was going to be options for hearing aids but instead was told that he may have a tumor growing in his inner ear. Needless to say, we have been quite anxious ever since and have had to push to get the MRI scheduled. After several eMails and phone calls we got the word this morning that he is scheduled for 5:00 this afternoon. The doctor kept trying to reassure us that it is only precautionary, that he could not bump other scheduled MRIs in favour of Lew’s because it was only a precaution. But when you’re told that you may have a tumor growing in your head it’s hard to think of anything else. And so I am trying to keep a positive outlook. I told work I was leaving early to be with him. I eMailed my extended family and asked for their prayers. And now I’m just trying not to be a total scatterbrain at work while watching the clock, tick-tock away.

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