25 October 2005

I hate fucking liars

I hate fucking liars. Lying liars everywhere.

I even hate white-washed lies that fall under the guise of exaggerations. I get it all the time. From the benign “I’ll be in at ten.” from a co-worker who doesn’t arrive before 11. Why not just say ‘I won’t be in until 11’? Does it make you feel better to have me think that you’ll be in a ten when you won’t. And if I tell people you’ll be in at ten and you’re not does that make me a liar by association? In all honesty, I’ll admit I’ve done this myself. For example, when I have a personal appointment across town during my workday and I know there’s no way in hell that I can make it back in under an hour but I say I will anyway, hoping that my co-workers will be so busy that they won’t notice I’ve been gone for almost two hours. So I am guilty of that. But I still hate it.

Some people exaggerate all the time. They’ll say “I’ve talked with ten potential clients this week.” or “We’ve represented fifty other clients with that same problem.” I take everything that people like that say and just divide by two. Probably gets closer to the truth that way. In the end it simply dilutes everything they have to say.

But I really hate the bald-faced lies. Like when someone tells me they’ll have what they owe me by the end of the week, and then it never happens until a week or more later than that. Or that they paid the storage bill when they knew full well that they had not. Believe you me, I’ve lived with a liar and I looked past the lying eyes long past what was even healthy much less forgiving. So I know.

People can be so gullible. I’m sometimes guilty of that too, although I’m getting better at being skeptical in my advancing years. Take the American public, for example, and their believing Bush’s lies about the so-called need for this war in order to protect us from this invisible enemy called terrorism. WMD? CIA? Cheney apparently lied to the grand jury in the Plamegate affair. Who can we trust?


Not the Who->. Yes, the rock band. Or perhaps their marketing people. But there are rumours circulating that in the upcoming DVD release of Quadrophenia, a performer, who has had some less than socially-acceptable behaviour associated with him, has been digitized out and replaced with another performer, who played the character some time later and who supposedly has a less-controversial personal life. I have no actual proof of this, so I could be guilty of spreading vicious rumours but it makes me wonder...where will it all end?

Can you see the real me...doctor?

1 comment:

The Opinionated Bastard said...

We two, are blessed in that truth is our daily
way of living and that lies and liars are to be found
ouside our "perfect circle of love" and not within it.

This does not lessen the pain and frustration that
living with and in a world filled with poseurs and
liars causes us.

I am yours, in truth, eternally, My Love.

Your Love~